Divorce in the New Year

Divorce in the New Year

If you are going through marital issues, you may think, or have been advised, that most people wait until after the New Year to file for divorce. This wait could be related to taxes, healthcare, or maybe it is to make it through the holiday season. Nevertheless, if you are waiting for the start of 2020 to file for divorce, there are a few things you can do beforehand. 

Be Prepared.

Divorce in the New Year

To make it easier on yourself – and your lawyer – be prepared to gather paperwork before filing for divorce. Often, the most important of these is your financial information. This information can include your end-of-year pay stubs, W-2s, tax information, and bank or financial statements. Having these documents in order can also help the judge have a more precise scope of how to rule on child support, spousal support and payment of expenses on temporary orders. This information will also help when preparing for mediation and/or trial. 

Do Not Make Major Changes.

When you are preparing for divorce, or in the process of getting divorced, there can be pressure to make significant changes in your life with regard to finances, living situation, and your children. We recommend that you wait to make major changesuntil after talking to a lawyer.  Talking to an attorney will allow you to make an informed decision after you understand the landscape, including understanding whether or not there is  a standing order in place.

Timing in the New Year.

If you are filing in the New Year, be cognizant that the New Year has traditionally been one of the busiest times of the year in family law.   This time of the year may impact your ability to get in front of the judge for a quick hearing on temporary order.  It is recommended that you have all your information ready to file by the second week of January at the latest if you are seeking court intervention early-on.

Divorce is not always easy, but having an experienced divorce attorney by your side can help make sure your rights are protected. If you are thinking of getting a divorce in the New Year and are seeking legal counsel, contact (940) 566-0606 or visit nbfamilylaw.com to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys

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