Fighting the Good Fight

Fighting the Good Fight

When it comes to family, most will do anything to show how much they care for their loved ones. The fight for your loved ones can be long – but ultimately worth it. One father that worked with Eric Navarrette knows this difficult situation all too well. This is his story.

Rewind to three years ago when a misstatement caused a father’s access to his child to be heavily restricted. The opposing side made him appear to be a careless and abusive parent, all because of a misinterpreted statement. On top of this, Eric’s client felt as if he didn’t have the adequate resources for him as he was failing to afford necessities and means of traveling to visit his child during the limited visitation windows. If he couldn’t make the visitations, this only made him seem like the careless parent the opposing party wanted to portray him as, when in reality, it was due to limited resources.

All hope seemed lost for this father, but that’s when he found NB Family Law. Going through the trial put him at ease when he noted that NB Family Law was “superbly organized during the trial with all [their] case facts, exhibits and other documents ready.”  NB Family Law strives at catering our services to your situation through intensive preparation. This father found hope in the case when he saw the dedication and intentionality behind NB Family Law in his case.

This father’s story depicts exactly what NB Family Law wants to do: walk with our clients through a stressful season in their lives when they need the most support.  Family matters can be some of the hardest matters, and they should be taken with great care and importance. “I think a great family support system, my daughter’s love and support from you and your team really kept my spirits up and gave me the strength to keep fighting for my daughter’s rights,” said the father when elaborating on his experience with NB Family Law. 

While the fight may be long and difficult, NB Family Law wants to guide you and help you in your fight for family. Know that you don’t have to walk through this hard time alone. “I knew we were fighting the good fight…this has definitely made me into a stronger and wiser human being,” the father commented. We want to help you in your fight for reconciliation and comfort in your family. Contact us to talk about your case today.

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Navarrette | Bowen, P.C. | Family Law Attorneys | Denton, TX