
Spousal maintenance, commonly known as spousal support, is a court-ordered type of payment. There's a series of qualifications that you have to meet for spousal maintenance. Alimony is a contractual agreement between two parties. The court can't order alimony, they can only order spousal maintenance. Spousal Maintenance Eligibility...

Largely due to the rise of the gig economy, the number of small businesses in the United States recently hit an all-time high. Frequently, this business is the primary or only source of income for a family. Additionally, many spouses pour themselves into these businesses. Therefore,...

There is no doubt that domestic violence is a serious, ongoing problem in Texas and elsewhere. But a growing number of people question some commonly-cited statistics, such as one in four women experience relationship violence during their lifetimes. As a result, some judges question a...

Navarrette | Bowen, P.C. | Family Law Attorneys | Denton, TX